The Ghana card registration exersice is ongoing in the Okaikwei North Municipal Assembly. The exercise begun on Monday the 29th of April to Saturday the 26th May from 7am to 5pm each day.
We call on all Ghanaians, particularly ONMA citizens to take advantage of this opportunity to get their cards at the various centres of registration including the Okaikwei North Municipal office at Tesano.
Primary Requirements Needed: (either one or all of these)
- Passport
- Birth Certificate
- For vouching, you need 1 family member who has already registered OR 2 people who have already registered. They must be present to support you.
Either of the above qualifies one to register.
Mandatory requirements:
Digital address: download Ghana Post GPS on to your phone and generate the address at the gate of your residence.
Secondary requirements:
- Driver’s License
- Voter ID
- SSNIT Card
- Health Insurance Card
- Tax Identification Number (TIN) (if you have)
- House Number (if available)
- Street Name
NB: Originals of all these documents are needed if you want to use them.
Below in the picture is the Okaikwei North MCE, Hon. Boye Laryea going through the registration process at the Okaikwei Municipal Assembly registration center.