The Human Resource Department of Okaikwei North Municipal Assembly (ONMA) has organized training for revenue collectors in the municipality.
The meeting was orgainised for newly recruited and existing revenue collectors in Okaikwei North Municipal Assembly to improve revenue for the municipality.
The two-day training also highlighted the main boundaries and specific revenue collection points in the municipality.
During the training, The facilitator, Mr. Patrick Peprah Appiagyei , Regional Director for Controller and Accountant General Department (CAGD), explained to the participant that, the work they are doing are backed by laws, the Local Governance Act, This Act gives them the power to collect revenue for the Assembly.
He said, they have the legal power to protect them at where ever they will be to collect revenue in the municipality. There should be a league table for the Assembly so that, authorities can identify revenue collectors who are working and those who are not working.
Mr. Appiagyei stated that, after the training there should not be misappropriate of revenue records on the field. The value book must be taken good care, don’t misplace the value book because it is property of government, it’s a crime to play with the book.
According to the facilitator, there should be a strong data for the assembly concerning revenue collection and businesses. Things that are in the municipality must be updated, you must have accurate data and I expect the assembly should be on top of issues.
There should also be an update on all businesses, the assembly must get all data right so that higher revenue can be recorded. Authorities must have a strong operating zonal councils and team work not forgetting specific pay points in the municipality.
The assembly must also planned to automate revenue collection, there should be a system where people can pay their revenue through digitalized platforms. This will help authorities track all transactions from the centralized computer.
In all about 45 staff took part in the revenue collection training, 12 out of the 45 staff were newly recruited.
SOURCE: Ghana /